Selling a Business

Burnout: An Ever-Present Threat

Burnout is an often-used reason for an owner selling his or her business. Potential buyers may have trouble accepting this as a valid reason for sale. However, burnout is a valid reason for selling one’s business. A business owner can…

What Makes a Business Unique

Most business owners think that their business is unique. There are obviously many different attributes that can make a business stand out from others. However, there are some key factors that make a business both unique and, at the same…

Are You Serious?

There are three good questions to consider before selling your business. First, “Do you really want to sell this business?” If you’re really serious about selling and have a solid reason (or reasons) why you want to sell, it will…

What Sellers Can Do

In addition to using a business broker, there are specific steps you can take to increase the chance of a successful closing. Know why you want to sell your business. Before placing your business for sale, it is important that…

And a Letter of Intent Is…

The Letter of Intent (LOI) is a pre-contractual written instrument prepared by the buyer for the seller, which is usually the preliminary understanding of both parties. The Letter of Intent can also be called Agreement in Principle or Memorandum of…